For your home, business, place of work - protection is always essential. If you believe in the importance of protecting your space with salt, herbs and crystals this is a great tool to add to your practice. While we come from a variety of cultures and beliefs, one things stands true, everyone needs a protection practice and it's a cross-cultural necessity. Salt is a powerful protection and cleansing agent. Going to the beach and submerging in the ocean is one of our favorite practices each year. Salt emits ions, kills bacteria and absorbs water. It's one of many magical things on this earth that is here for our appreciation and health.
We always encourage that you use your own intuitive guidance on how to use your protection practices. However, you might want some guidance.
A Few Ideas for Using House Blessings:
• Write down a prayer or intention and recite this as you sprinkle the salts around your entire home outside the perimeter of your property. The same applies to your place of business.
• Sprinkle a discreet amount at the threshold of your office doorway as you hold your intention. Add some powerful visuals to the doorway itself in your mind and see what changes take place after your ritual. Remember to repeat as necessary and it's not a one-and-done practice.
• Create your own 'Salt Bowl' with the blend by placing the mix in a bowl and add your own additional ingredients. Place on a special altar or near your entrance. Remain conscious of the bowl each time you pass and connect with the energy. When you feel it has absorbed and done it's job, discard with respect away and off of your property - remembering to be respectful of where you are placing it. Ask mother earth to transform the energy and always send gratitude.
4 oz. | proprietary blend of herbs, salts and crystals
Not for consumption. These salts contain crystals and herbs for protection.